Monday, February 23, 2009

River Raid

I grew up fully fascinated with Atari. Not just the games, but the promotional graphics as well - the instruction manuals, the t-shirts and patches, and of course the boxes. Real heads know that Activision had the best box designs out there. Clean vector graphics, funny style illustrations, and the ever-present rainbow trailer - these visuals appeared on all of their box designs, giving them a consistently strong sense of identity. Their boxes are identifiable from a mile away. Here's one of my favorites - River Raid.

Click for larger view

Bonus beats:


  1. Awesome. I was wondering when you were going to start posting some of these... As someone quite familiar with your style it definitely seems like these planted some seeds in little Mike's head at an early age. I saw they make Pitfall shirts and stuff now that you can sometimes find at trendy stores like Hot Topic.

  2. Great packaging design, I especially like the red and pink, cartoon style explosion - very cool. They just don't make them like this anymore (I'm starting to think that a lot - I must be getting old!!)
