Hello and welcome to So Much Pileup. I'm Mike and I guess I'm your host here. I'm a graphic designer living and working in Minneapolis MN. Along with a few other talented folks, I'm one of the members of
Burlesque of North America, a design and screenprinting studio here in town. We design and print screenprinted concert posters, LP jackets, t-shirts, and more.
Any designer's studio or home is filled with books, stickers, posters, postcards, and other pieces of history. I started this blog to share some of the work from my collection that's inspired me as a designer, primarily from the late 1960s through the early 1980s. I'll be posting logos, postage stamps, motion graphics, packaging and promotional design from the time I consider to be the golden era of graphic design, just before computers took over and anyone with a copy of Photoshop and 10 fonts started calling themselves designers.
I'll try to keep the posts focused, but for starters I'm just gonna show a mish-mosh of things to give you an idea of what's to come. Enjoy it and drop me a line if you like what you see.
BELL TOWER PLAZA IN HEMET, CAThis is a big sign in front of a strip mall in Hemet, CA - about 1.5 hours southeast of Los Angeles. I don't know anything about the history of this giant sign or who designed the lettering, but it's hot to death and as soon as I saw it, I made my girlfriend do a u-turn so I could run out of the car and snap a photo.

(Click for larger view)
TV GLOBOHere are some screenshots of TV graphics for Brazil's
TV Globo, one of the largest networks in the world. These graphics are from 1977 or 1978. I can't find much about "O GRITO," but I'm guessing it's some kind of singing show. "LOCO MOTIVAS" was a soap opera about some desperate Brazilian housewives, who, like E-Swift said, must have had loco motives, I mean crazy reasons to wanna step up.

MUST SEE TV: The intro to Loco Motivas!!!